Check out this cool DIY helpful stuff I found online!

Urban Outfitters "Little Helper Magnifying Tool!"
This is great for teensy-tiny details!
This is great for teensy-tiny details!
Some swatches I dug up online! Whether you feeling yummy for cupcakes, sultry safari or mod mod mod, it's a guaranteed win situation with this easy shower curtain idea!
1) Poke holes into fabric (recommend to fold the top piece over a few times and throw in a few stitches to make it thicker to punch a hole through, it saves you from having to buy grommets to hold the weight)!
2) Add some rings
a) use paint pens ( use Elmer's Painters), rhinestones (hot glue or super glue!), or tiny beads to create the perfect ring set!

3) Voila! A homemade fabulously personalized shower curtain! Add a plastic liner for $1 and you are set! :) Sing sweet songs in the shower tonight!

Make your own pieces that fit YOUR fabulous body with exactly what YOU want to see in clothing! Easy as pie and just as sweet:) Oh, and don't tell me you are going completely gaga for this adorably vintage-looking sewing machine!
Add this sweet little patch and some ribbon to an inexpensive towel and you have adorable handmade towel!
Perfect for hand towels, kitchen towels, and presents for your fabulous friends!
How easy would it be to recreate this chandelier under your terms and budget? This is the Anjou Chandelier from Anthropologie (c/o featuring glass beading and a white-washed iron structure. The architectural design gives you freedom to select your own beads, paints and candles.. You could easily scour antique vendors and purchase one for a fraction of the price. Add your own beads (check out Michael's or even online for one-of-a-kind vintage beads from an estate sale on ebay). Paint with brushed strokes using a small brush and smear the paint with a brillow pad lightly to create a more rustic appearance. Add colorful candles to match your decor and you will be shedding light for years to come!

Use this fab shower curtain (Smoldering Hues Shower Curtain c/o Anthropologie) as window curtains in your living room! The apricot, salmon, red wine and royal eggplant colors leave tons of options for furniture and wall-hanging designs!
Also equally as gorgeous with aqua, celedon and cream ombre ruffles (Flamenco Shower Curtain c/o Anthropologie)
Hooks are fabulous, check out this exquisite brass and enamel curtain tie-back (Garden Party Curtain tie-back c/o Urban
I love this door-knob type tie-back with painted glass and brass settings. It would look striking against any curtain you choose! I also think a couple of these in a row on the wall would be a twist on the classic coat hangers no?
(Painted Doorknob c/o Urban Outfitters)